Angelica is highly intuitive and takes her cues for business & living life from her internal wisdom, planetary elements & aligning with nature and the Divine. She has an instinctive ability to tap into Ancient wisdom and authority.
Consulting, Mentoring, creating beauty, and the healing arts has always been her passion. Her focus is to accelerate higher vibrational frequencies on our planet through uplifting myself and all others with the same desire.
In Human Design & Gene Keys, Angelica is a 5/1, (Intuitive Leader/ Heretic/Investigator) Splenic Projector ( Reads the planetary energies & has an immediate knowing of lies or truth. In a room of 100 people only 4 would be Splenic Projectors.). Her incarnation cross is Refinement, which is about continually raising the frequencies of everything, - thoughts, actions and environment
Intuitive healer, mom, grandma, friend, and above all else, Angelica remembers not to take life or herself too seriously!
Raised in on the West Coast of the U.S. Angelica was drawn to spending as much time as possible outdoors communing with nature and allowing nature to reveal her secrets of healing, the connection of all things, the ‘Mirror Effect’ & great wisdom that influenced her entire life. Her ability to create beauty from anything is truly a god-given gift. Angelica believes that the frequency of Beauty holds the highest vibration available on this planet and that it is the closest expression of Creator available to everyone.
Currently Angelica is focusing on assisting those that are serious about awakening and the desire to live fully in the higher frequency fields through several positive manifestation programming techniques and to healing of the deceptions fed to the human race through her innate wisdom stemming from 35 years of coaching that takes her clients to the core of their wounds where they discover not only can they heal, but rewrite their Life Story. Through decades of trial and error her desire is to help others navigate around obstacles instead of crashing into them.
Her latest book, also in audio form and kindle, The Awakening Ones, is a book of self-reflection & the journey each of us can be a part of as the plant transitions into a new age of manifestation. (The new version after spelling edits don’t have the reviews but you can see some on TAO page)
MENTOR /COACHING COURSES: THE WORK with Byron Katie, Ojai California and Los Angeles.
REAL HAPPINESS with Paul Ferrini Teachers Program Vermont.
SPIRITUAL COACHING with Patti Webber/Spiritual Church for Positive Learning.
Training For Venetian Plaster & Faux Finishing: Italy, New York, Los Angeles & San Francisco.
Interior & Landscape Design: California, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oregon & mostly, a cherished gift from my Creator.
“Attention to detail is everything”